Written, but Unfinished

This site serves as a way to post these stories in an organized manner. I hope people will enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them! I will post new stories as I write them, but it may take a while since it is difficult to just sit down and crank out something like this.

Most of these stories are just small parts of a bigger plot, but I am only able to write one piece at a time (thus the name Not Yet Stories) so in my mind they are all incomplete, but I guess we shall see if I am able to finish them!

I apologize for the awkward formatting of the blog (the stories are in two places at once) since I am trying to keep them organized, but they end up all over the place.

I hope that you enjoy what you read here!

P.S. Just a side note: this blog was created in May of 2013, many posts are dated earlier because I want to preserve the dates in which they were written for my own purposes.

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