Ghosts in the Closet

Photo: atzerok (Flickr)

I sometimes wish that there could be a place, a special place, a safe place, where we could just live. If that place existed, then I would just live there. I don’t like sitting in here, it’s too dark and cramped. But Mommy says I should stay here for a little while, I don’t know why. I was watching my TV show, the one about the flying squirrel who travels to different planets to help animals. I like that one, even though the girls at school said squirrels are just rats that like birdseed and annoy everybody. The next one is about a purple hippo who is trying to find the other purple hippos, with all her flamingo friends. I always watch those shows when I get home from school; I have my daily routine so that everything makes sense, or at least that’s what Ms. Aidons says.  

When I get up in the morning I eat my cereal and then I wait for the bus to come to my house, and then I go to school. I don’t like my school routine since there are always annoying kids talking about their vacations and never want to talk to me. I just sit by the window so I can watch the squirrels and I try to figure out who they are going to save today. After school, the bus takes me back to my house and I say hello to the squirrels that live in our tree and give them my leftovers from lunch, since they must be hungry after saving all the animals on other planets all day. Then I go inside and eat some pretzels and drink some apple juice, then I watch my cartoons in the basement, then I do my homework and then I eat my dinner. After dinner I brush my teeth and go to my room to play before bedtime.

But today I started watching the squirrel show and she had just gone to a planet to help some birds fix their tree houses, when everyone started making lots of noise. There was a knock on the door, then Mommy talked to the person and they started yelling and then they came in the house and kept yelling and yelling. I could hardly hear the TV they were so loud. It’s quiet now, but it was so loud with all the screaming and I think somebody knocked over a lamp and then dropped dishes on the floor, Mommy is going to be so upset when she sees the mess! After Mommy and the woman were yelling for a long time, somebody else knocked on the door and I think they dropped whatever they were carrying. Then a man said some words that got Tommy Pire in big trouble before, he couldn’t go to recess for a whole week after that. I think the man was really clumsy since a lot of dishes and lamps started dropping on the floor after he came to the house. I think he tripped a few times too since there were a lot of noises too like he tripped on the couch or something. The birds were just getting started fixing their tree houses when Mommy came downstairs and told me that we were going to go in the closet for a little while. She said that there are ghosts in the closet and the only way to get rid of them is to show them we’re not afraid, so we have to sit in the closet until they leave. I asked her why we are chasing away ghosts when there are some very clumsy people upstairs, and why isn’t she worried about all the broken dishes? Are the clumsy people going to clean it up while we get rid of the ghosts in the closet? Mommy just said that we need to get rid of the ghosts now and we can’t say anything or else the ghosts will want to stay and listen instead of leaving. I wanted to ask why we need to get rid of the ghosts, but Mommy had already closed the closet door and if they are bad ghosts then I don’t want them to stay.

We were in the closet for a long time before Mommy said that she was going to go upstairs to look at her ghost checker to make sure that all the ghosts left our house. She said that I need to stay in the closet until she comes back because she says I’m strong and the ghosts won’t come back as long as I am here. After she went upstairs, the clumsy people started breaking things again. Mommy must be so upset that there are ghosts in the closet and clumsy people in the living room. After they tripped over the couch some more, Mommy yelled at them and then everything got quiet for a little bit. Then the front door closed, so I guess the clumsy people finally left, even though it sounded like they broke even more dishes and left the mess for Mommy to clean up. There’s a weird sound upstairs now, like a campfire, and it smells kind of like a campfire too. I wonder if Mommy is making s’mores upstairs so we can have a movie party once the ghosts are gone. I guess I’ll wait here until she comes back and the ghosts leave us alone so we can be happy again. I hope she comes back soon, I’m trying not to be scared of the ghosts but it’s so dark and cramped and hot in here. Come back soon, Mommy, I don’t want to be alone with the ghosts.

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